Tajikistan: Digital Capabilities Strategic Analysis

project description
The overall objective of this project was to contribute to sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in Tajikistan through the digital transformation of the country. The action more specifically aimed to inform and guide the development and implementation of the Digital Economy Roadmap as well as promote reforms and e-governance systems in Tajikistan, which are seen as necessary elements for enabling digital transformation in the country. It is expected that the action will help to identify priority areas for the continuation of the EU bilateral support to Tajikistan in the field of Digital Transformation and Innovation in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and other key stakeholders 2021 – 2030.
The action was carried out through five assessments, which include the following content:
- Examining the country’s policy and regulatory framework; connectivity; infrastructures and access to broadband; digital literacy and skills; digital entrepreneurship and innovation; development of e-services ;
- Mapping the stakeholders of the digital and innovation ecosystem, their roles towards digital transformation and their impact on growth and employment;
- Identifying main issues and obstacles to the country’s digital transformation in particular with relation to the legal, economic and political context.
The assessments led to the proposal of an EU response strategy to promote transformation through digitalisation and priority areas for support, taking an inclusive, gender-sensitive and human-centric approach and listing priority actions to be addressed by the EU.
services to be provided
- Telecom Sector Assessment of the sector’s markets, existing and planned infrastructure, and institutional and regulatory framework, with the objective of supporting the creation of an enabling environment for digital transformation in Tajikistan. Stocktaking of digital connectivity (broadband) infrastructure and markets. Stakeholder description and capacity analysis.
- Digital Government Assessment of existing and planned infrastructure, systems and regulatory framework for providing digital services. This includes, among others, analysis of data centres, digital platforms (including digital ID and payments), e-services and smart solutions. This study aimed to improve access to public services, especially access to distance social and public health services; distance education, e-Banking, Tax services….
- Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation Assessment of regulatory and institutional framework, market conditions and business environment, with the objective of promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. This study examined and contributed to the advancement of a modern green economy in the country.
- Digital Education and Skills Assessment of regulatory and institutional framework aimed at providing digital skills and training as well as to support the development of an innovation-focused education system, which will increase jobs and opportunities.
- Each assessment was followed by a validation workshop with key stakeholders, sharing their results and collecting feedback to be incorporated in the final version of the analysis.